Orcutt Police Nunchaku
Created and developed by Sgt. Kevin Orcutt (Ret.) for Law Enforcement, Corrections, Government and Military personnel.
Utilized by Law Enforcement & Corrections agencies nationally.
Federal Court tested U.S. Court of Appeals 9th Circuit 1994.
Reduces liability through physical control, reducing Officer and subject injuries.
Resisting subject restraint and control offers defensive tactics, escorts, take downs, cuffing, grounding tactics, including physical control for passive and resisting, protestor situations.
Cell and vehicle extractions, best for tight quarters control.
Reduces Taser applications and costs through OPN physical control.
Less than lethal physical control, reduces contact with bodily fluids.
Court Security, Hospital ER, Ambulance, Booking, Transport, Patrol & Jail Operations.
Presents a Low Profile Public Appearance. Contact Us.