Orcutt Police Nunchaku

  • Created and developed by Sgt. Kevin Orcutt (Ret.) for Law Enforcement, Corrections, Government and Military personnel.

  • Utilized by Law Enforcement & Corrections agencies nationally.

  • Federal Court tested U.S. Court of Appeals 9th Circuit 1994.

  • Reduces liability through physical control, reducing Officer and subject injuries.

  • Resisting subject restraint and control offers defensive tactics, escorts, take downs, cuffing, grounding tactics, including physical control for passive and resisting, protestor situations.

  • Cell and vehicle extractions, best for tight quarters control.

  • Reduces Taser applications and costs through OPN physical control.

  • Less than lethal physical control, reduces contact with bodily fluids.

  • Court Security, Hospital ER, Ambulance, Booking, Transport, Patrol & Jail Operations.

  • Presents a Low Profile Public Appearance. Contact Us.