About the Instructor

Kevin Orcutt

Sergeant Kevin Orcutt (Ret.)
Master Instructor

Walker Texas Ranger Set 1993
Kevin D. Orcutt is the inventor, developer, and Master Instructor of the OPN. In addition to operating Orcutt Police Defensive Systems Inc., Sergeant Orcutt (Ret.) has 36 years of experience in Law Enforcement and Police Defensive Tactics training.
Sergeant Orcutt is recognized nationally for developing the Orcutt Police Nunchaku and its training system. He is recognized as “Soke, Head of Style” and holds a First Degree Black Belt in Jukado. He has appeared on ABC World News Tonight, CBS This Morning, CNN, People Magazine, Law and Order Magazine, The Science Channel, and Westwood News Magazine.
Sergeant Orcutt was inducted into the 1997 World Martial Arts Hall of Fame, receiving the Life Achievement Award. He was awarded the El Jebel Shriners International Medal of Honor for Meritorious Law Enforcement Service in 2013. Sergeant Orcutt was awarded a U.S. Design Patent for the OPN in 1984. Since 1984, Master Instructor Orcutt has personally certified over 900 OPN Instructors.
Contact us for more information about the OPN and our courses. We proudly serve Law Enforcement, Corrections, Government, and Military throughout the nation.